Subsidiaries & JVs

Certification Engineers International Ltd.

Certification Engineers International Ltd. (CEIL) is a wholly owned subsidiary of EIL providing services related to Certification, Re-certification, safety audit and HSE management systems for offshore and onshore oil & gas facilities. It also undertakes Third Party Inspection of equipments and installations in the Hydrocarbon and other quality sensitive sectors of the Industry.
Over the years, CEIL has emerged as one of the leading certification and verification Agency for offshore process platforms, well platforms, submarine pipelines and single buoy mooring systems. The Company promotes safety, quality and reliability throughout the design and operating life of all types of equipments, structures, pressure vessels, pipelines & rotating machinery. The worldwide services cover all types of capital goods and equipments, during manufacture and erection stages for oil, gas & general engineering sectors.
For more information visit

Ramagundam Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited (RFCL)

For setting up a gas based urea plant of capacity 3850 TPD, EIL, National Fertilizers Limited (NFL) and Fertilizer Corporation of India (FCIL), have incorporated RFCL as a Joint Venture Company at Ramagundam in Karimnagar district of Telengana. NFL & EIL will each have 26% equity in the JV Company. EIL has been retained as Project Management Consultant for project execution on EPCM mode. The Project completion schedule to commission the plant is 36 months. NFL is a reputed player in the fertilizer sector and their expertise would be utilized for operating the plant as well as for marketing of the products. The plant is being built on the existing land of FCIL.
For more information, visit