Owner/Location: Dangote Oil Refining Company Ltd., Lekki Free Trade Zone, Nigeria
Mode of Execution: Project Management Services & EPCM
Key Features
- Overall Capacity : 29 MMTPA
- Major Processing Units: CDU, RFCC, DMHC, RFCCG, MSB, ALKY, BUTA, HGU, PPU, CPP, SRU, Utilities & Offsites & Trading facilities
- Total Project Cost (in USD): USD 7.8 billion

This multi-billion dollar Project is the single largest overseas consultancy assignment, ever executed by EIL. The epic project boasts of gigantic structures, towering columns, huge furnaces, super-heavy lifts and mammoth modules transported in single-piece to the project site. The project is a superlative illustration of a focussed and concerted project implementation strategy and world class engineering.
A brief comparison of the workloads
X 20Structural Steel equivalent to 20 times Eiffel Tower |
X 4Concrete equivalent to 4 times Burj Khalifa |
X 2.5Cables equivalent to 2.5 times distance from Delhi to Lagos |
X 1Pipe length equivalent to distance from Delhi to Kanyakumari |
- In order to expedite construction especially in mega projects, it is extremely important to push the enabling and civil works at jet pace, which is achieved by adopting pre-cast method of carrying out civil works
- About 150,000 MT Strl. Steel from M/s Hangxiao-China was pre-fabricated out of Nigeria and transported in knocked-down condition & free issued to Contractor. A separate material requisition was prepared exclusively for structural steel pre- fabrication which included the supply of structural steel as well.
- Right from outset, it was thought prudent to plan single piece transportation to site of the mammoth equipment’s and take advantage of the proximity of site to the huge ocean front. The erection of all the major heavy lifts was planned to be carried out without any site work and in one piece using the largest capacity cranes PTC-200 available in the world.
- Mammoth equipment like Flue Gas Steam Generators (FGSG), Heat recovery steam generators (HRSG), Boilers, Furnaces, Airfin Coolers etc. were modularised and transported to Nigeria from India as modules complete with structures, piping, electrical and instrumentation etc.
- “Most Influential Project” Award by Project Management Institute (PMI) Award-2020