
Empowering Society, Enriching Lives

Engineers India Limited (EIL), Design, Engineering and Project Management consultancy organization, is committed for operating its core business as a socially responsible corporate, by taking into consideration the wider interests of the community including the environment, with a vision of promoting sustainable development.

EIL has a Board approved CSR policy, in line with provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 that aims at bringing a positive change in the quality of lives of people by undertaking focused interventions through social upliftment programs. The CSR Policy defines the broad framework for undertaking CSR activities and modalities involved while doing so.

CSR Budget & Expenditure (Last 5 Years)

Financial Year CSR Budget ( Cr) CSR Expenditure ( Cr)
2019-20 10.78 11.28
2020-21 11.94 12.65
2021-22 10.47 33.51
2022-23 4.13* 6.42
2023-24 2.74** 11.87

Note: (*) CSR Budget for FY 2022-23 was Rs. 944.27 Lakh. However, available CSR fund for expenditure (post set-off and transfer to Unspent A/c) was Rs. 413.04 Lakh.

(**) CSR Budget for FY 2023-24 was Rs. 750 Lakh. However, available CSR fund for expenditure (post set-off) was Rs. 274.47 Lakh.

CSR Thrust Areas

The CSR thrust areas of EIL are completely aligned with Schedule VII under Section 135 of the Companies Act 2013 and are as follows:-

Health Care & Nutrition
Education/ Skill Development
(Pragyata/ Praveen)
Environment Protection/ Sustainability
Drinking Water/ Sanitation
(Jal-Dhara / Swachh Kiran)
Upliftment of underprivileged
Women Empowerment
Rural Development

Initiatives focused on enhancing Healthcare & Nutrition related facilities for benefit of underprivileged people

Providing school infrastructure for better education opportunities / Skill trainings to unemployed youth

Green initiatives aimed at Environment Protection & improving Eco system for benefit of the society

Supporting transformation of Sanitation & Drinking water facilities for underprivileged in urban slums & rural areas

To alleviate socio-economic disparities and uplift people belonging to the backward sections of the society.

Empowering women by bringing them into the mainstream by Skill Trainings, Gender Inclusive Initiatives

EIL's CSR expenditure
over the years
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Policy on Corpora
te Social Responsibility
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List Of CSR Projects
Approved In FY 2023-24
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Impact Assessment
Study Reports
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CSR Achievement Films
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