Our organization is ISO 9001:2015 certified for quality management systems since 1994.
The corporate quality manual defines the methodology for quality assurance for our products and services in detail structured manner along with the responsibility and authority. Similarly each division and department are also having their quality manual, procedures, guides, specifications, standards and inspection and test plans detailing their processes and controls including responsibility and authority for quality assurance of the services/deliverables.
Our organization does have a mechanism for monitoring and collecting feedback/perception of our customers. It is our basic policy in EIL to meet or exceed the customer needs and expectations and pursue excellence in delivery of our services.

To serve our customer’s needs / expectations in the best possible manner, we take customer feedback and suggestions about the services provided by EIL for various projects. This gives us pertinent information and an opportunity to evaluate our services/deliverables critically and bring further improvement in our systems and processes on a continuous basis.
In EIL, we believe that measuring customer perception is a vital tool for improvement. Very high importance is given by EIL management to customer feedbacks. Target of 7 and above rating in customer perception surveys on 10 point scale is set by EIL. Feedback/ observation gathered from customers are regularly presented in EIL management review committee meetings and actions are taken to prevent them and improve in future projects. We have a documented Procedure also for customer perception Survey.
Corporate Quality Assurance Department of EIL is responsible for carrying out of Customer feedback surveys. Customers/ Projects are selected on sampling basis based on above procedure and size of project (man-hours/cost), type of customer, percentage progress & criticality are considered.
Standard questionnaire and in person interactions of senior customer personnel are used for obtaining feedback. Customer feedback / perception Reports are prepared based on questionnaire filled by customers and information gathered during in person interactions / interview of senior level customer personnel. All the reports of customer feedback/perception surveys are reviewed and finalized by management representative (MR) of EIL. After finalization, reports are distributed to Directors, EDs, concerned GGMs/ CGMs and Project Manager for corrective actions.