Owner/Location: GAIL (India) Ltd./Dabhol-Bangalore-Goa
Mode of Execution: EDP, FEED & Project Management Services
Key Features
- Dimensions: 18” – 36”
- Major Processing Units: Transportation of Regasified Liquid Natural Gas from Dabhol Terminal @ 92 kg/cm2g with overall capacity of 16 MMSCMD and maximum throughput of 22.04 MMSCMD.
- Total Project Cost: Rs.5000 Crores
- Schedule: 42 Months
Major Processing Units: HGU, Pyrolysis Gasoline Hydrogenation, Benzene Extraction Unit, PPU, LLDPE/HDPE Swing Unit, HDPE, Utility Boilers, Cooling Tower, DM Plant, Effluent Treatment Plant, O2/N2 Plant, Offsite Storage and Dispatch facility
Total Project Cost: USD 2.4 billion
Schedule: 42 Months
- Total amount of free issue material Rs.1230 Crores.
- Total 86 no. vendors managed for procurement of free issue materials. Line pipes were ordered to 7 no. manufacturers and Line pipe supply had included logistics & dump site management.
Construction: Pipeline passed through Mangrove areas, which required permission from forest authorities for protection of flora and fauna.

Dabhol Bangalore Pipeline
HSE: No loss time accident
Cost Saving: Procurement of Line pipe and award of Contract for pipeline laying and construction Works done through reverse auction thereby achieving cost savings of 350 Crores for client.
Schedule Saving: Regasified liquid natural gas pipeline project commissioned 1 month ahead of schedule
Project Specific Achievement: Solar power has been used as the main power source for the stations.