Disclosure under Regulation 30 of SEBI LODR


Change in Board of Directors of the Company_20.12.2024.
Subscription to 3rd call of Right Issue Offer of Numaligarh Refinery Limited (“NRL”)_06.12.2024.
Change in Board of Directors of the Company_14.11.2024.
Change in Board of Directors of the Company_08.11.2024.
Intimation of Analyst Meet_06.11.2024
Update on meeting with Analyst/Institutional Investors for Q2 2024-25_Transcript_04.11.2024
Update on meeting with Analyst/Institutional Investors for Q2 2024-25_Audio Recording_30.10.2024
Change in Senior Management of the Company_01.11.2024
Update on meeting with Analyst/Institutional Investors for Q2 2024-25_Audio Recording_30.10.2024
Investor Presentation- Highlights on Quarterly Results Q2 FY 2024-25.
Intimation of Schedule of Earning Call for first quarter ended on 30.09.2024_24.10.2024
Intimation regarding imposition of Penalty_17.10.2024.
Change in Director_15.10.2024.
Appointment of Statutory Auditors for FY 2024-25.
Change in Director_01.10.2024.
Proceedings of 59th Annual General Meeting
Analyst/Institutional Investors for Q1 2024-25_Audio Recording_12.08.2024.
Investor Presentation- Highlights on Quarterly Results Q1 FY 2024-25 .
Intimation of Schedule of Earning Call for first quarter ended on 30.06.2024_07.08.2024
Change in Senior Management of the Company_01.07.2024
Updates–Participation in ‘Jewels of Bharat 2.0 – PSU Investor Conference’_18.06.2024
Update on meeting with Analyst/Institutional Investors 27.05.2024_Transcript
Investor Presentation- Highlights on Quarterly/Yearly Results FY 2023-24.
Intimation of Schedule of Earning for fourth quarter/year ended on 31.03.2023_27.05.2024
Change in Director_15.05.2024
Change in Director_13.05.2024
Intimation regarding Order received from GST Department, Delhi_01.05.2024
Press Release - EIL inks Memorandum of Understanding with Detect Technologies Private Limited
Signing of MOU between Engineers India Limited (EIL) and Detect Technologies Private Limited_12.04.2024
Intimation for Providing undertaking for Bank Guarantee taken by RFCL_10.04.2024.