EIL’s services focus on integrated water management covering the gamut of water intake works, treatment, storage and water distribution as well as sewerage network for waste collection, sewage treatment plant, tertiary treatment plant and recycling/reuse of treated water, with special stress on desalination projects and solid waste management.
We have been entrusted with the prestigious project of laying of interceptor sewers along Najafgarh, Supplementary and Shahdara drains in Delhi for abatement of pollution in River Yamuna. The project includes Interceptor sewers and ancillary structures, raw water pumping station and rising mains along the Najafgarh, Supplementary and Shahdara drains.
EIL has also been selected as one of the consultants for implementation of the prestigious Namami Gange Programme

envisioned by the Govt. of India for rejuvenation of river Ganga. Under this programme, EIL will be responsible for execution of entry level activities (Ghats, Crematoriums & Village level drain treatment) and Sewerage Infrastructure in Uttar Pradesh.. In addition of above, EIL has also been entrusted for Development of Namo Ghat at Varanasi and Khajekhalan Ghat at Patna Sahib as separate projects .
EIL has also provided its services for execution of around 200 Projects including Water Supply Projects, Development of Parks, Sewerage Treatment Plants under Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) for 9 Cities in the State of Odisha.